Policy Brief on Heat Regulation

Policy Brief on Heat Regulation

Purpose: Synthesizing information into a policy brief will make you consider working conditions and what is known about the health effects of heat stress and consider the future of occupational health given the climate and work that is anticipated. Also good written and oral communication are important skills to develop for a public health professional. By creating a succinct policy brief, you will practice this skill and receive feedback.


This assignment is to be completed individually.


For Background Read:


  • Spector JT, Bonauto DK, Sheppard L, Busch-Isaksen T, Calkins M, Adams D, et al. (2016) A Case-Crossover Study of Heat Exposure and Injury Risk in Outdoor Agricultural Workers. PLoS ONE 11(10): e0164498. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0164498
  • Debate over heat stress bill goes before House Subcommittee






3) Three states and the military have heat stress rules:



Instructions: You are an OSU faculty in the EOH program. You were contacted by the policy analyst at Oregon OSHA, Teri Watson. She indicated she would like your involvement as “Oregon OSHA is taking up the item of heat stress for employees”. Oregon currently does not have a specific standard.


You know the best way you can inform this state regulator is by preparing a policy brief. Using the instructions provided (attached), develop your brief on a policy to prevent heat-related illnesses in Oregon workers. For this, please be succinct, include all the suggested structural elements, and do not exceed 4 pages.

Requirements:   |   .doc file | Other | 4 pages, Double spaced

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word limit:1250