Response to at least TWO Classmates-Ted talks.

Response to at least TWO Classmates-Ted talks.

Discussion 1

  1. What is Shafak’s thesis or main points? Do you agree with her? Why or why not?

Shafak’s main points are to never remain silent for fear of complexity. Also in her TedTalk, she pointing out about being feminist and stand strong in what you believe in. Also, she gives how you can taste words and words are meaningful. With that, she states that about how there are many counties and all counties go through something and it is a time that history can repeat itself by society’s slide, authoritarianism, nationalism, religious fanaticism. I agree with everything she was saying and she points out many important facts that are occurring in the world and making people aware that they have to Unite and become one not divide up. With that, she gives many examples of things that are happening and how journalists are being locked up in Turkey and make the audiences know that can happen anywhere.

2. How does Shafak support her main points? Is she successful?

In her main points, she gives facts and many famous authors and she quotes them. For one of her examples she states “According to this imaginary map, some parts of the world were liquid countries. They were like choppy waters not yet settled. Some other parts of the world, namely the West, were solid, safe, and stable. So it was the liquid lands that needed feminism and activism and human rights, and those of us who were unfortunate enough to come from such places had to keep struggling for these most essential values. But there was hope.” (Shafak 6:21) She is successful in making her points on how some people make up an imagery map on how people should act based on where they live. Also connects it that everyone should try help and make awareness of what is happening all over the world and should stand up for people right worldwide.

3. How does this TED talk support, modify or change your own understanding of cultural borders?

This TedTalk supports and expands my knowledge of cultural borders. It made me understand more that there can be cultural borders in your country and community. Also how people have to get together not only one specific group of people but as a whole and fight to make a change in order to get freedom. Also how not to be afraid of the fear of complexity. To welcome change because the world is changing. Also, she learned while she was speaking that so many people do not do anything because they are not part or affected by the problem and they don’t do anything to stop it. She also points out that there are many ways to spread awareness especially with social media and social networks.

4. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from this Talk?

My biggest takeaway from the Ted Talk was her expressing that she was bisexual and she was afraid of slander and the stigma and the ridicule and the hatred also how her own country is not opened to people being in the LGBT community. Also, another thing she points out that is stuck with me is how people have emotions and emotions are not limitless and it comes to a point where an individual can not handle the anxiety and will break and fight not as not only individuals but as nations. Also, another thing I was amazed about is how some people are journalists that end up in prison and locked up because they are speaking up and expressing their beliefs.

Discussion 2:

Shafak’s Main Points and Reasons for Agreeing with Her

Shafak’s main point relates to language as part of the culture and its interconnectivity to emotional intelligence. She explores how emotional factors and perceptions affect individuals and nations. Shafak’s point on people needing to embrace emotional intelligence on a larger scale is right, seeing that humans are emotional beings (Shafak, 2017). Besides, we cannot separate our emotions from any social institution as to how we perceive them at an individual, national, and international level, impacting our decisions on how to influence them.

Shafak’s Successful Support for Her Main Points

Shafak progresses this theme by analyzing how emotions affect all aspects of our lives, particularly academics, culture, and politics. She notes that different cultures have different cognitive and emotional levels. Shafak suggests the need for the gap in these factors to be addressed to allow people to enjoy global citizenship and having multiple stories. Shafak notes that people in different cultures struggle for different things at other times. However, globalization altered the flow of history, and it is the responsibility of both developed and developing nations to address issues that magnify cultural diversity (Shafak, 2017). Shafak also supports her push for emotional intelligence by giving personal experiences and stories of how she has progressed over time in her career as a writer. Through demonstrating how, in her work and travels, she has experienced globalism and multiplicity, Shafak shows how emotional intelligence can help bridge the cultural border gaps through recognizing collective sentiments and exploiting their benefits (Shafak, 2017). Shafak also addresses issues of tribalism, nationalism, gender equity, sexual orientation, and identity. She closes by noting that life and many elements are fluid; we are connected across borders, and life is ambiguous and never specific.

How TED Talk Modified My Understanding of Cultural Borders

This TED talk gives me insight into cultural borders as a concept fostered by traditional social institutions that perpetuate the same practices across generations. However, these demagogs need to change to accommodate the impacts globalization is making. Shafak modifies my perspective by showing the role emotional intelligence plays in developing multiplicity, making us open and appreciative of diversity.

The Biggest Takeaway from This Talk

Emotions can help interconnect people by allowing them to connect to other people’s experiences and creating events in the global space as a matter of concern for individuals and nations. There is no need for gaps and differences to exist due to cognitive and perspective diversity.

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