Reading Summary: Social Conformity

Reading Summary: Social Conformity

Reading Summaries Instructions

summary must be at least (1.5-2 pages) and must synthesize the information learned from all reading material. Feel free to use outside sources as well, but you are not required to do so.

The summary should include an intro paragraph, three paragraphs each with a major theme supported by several of the sources and a closing paragraph. The intro paragraph should be an overall summary of the module/week material (1-2 paragraphs). Then you should include (1-2 paragraphs) for 3-5 of the major points that span across all sources for the module/week. Each of these paragraphs should have a minimum of 2 SOURCES cited in each paragraph. **This is to ensure that you are integrating the information, rather than just summarizing each source independently. And lastly, you should include a concluding paragraph that ties together the major themes you introduced in the body of the summary. Your summaries must be in current APA format, have a cover page, a summary page or two, and a reference page in current APA format. **Also make sure you use subheadings (i.e. introduction, summary points, conclusion, etc.)

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