In -House-Business-Proposal for International Food Processing

 In -House-Business-Proposal for International Food Processing

Business Presentation

The project is intended to provide the student with a basic knowledge of utilizing mass media available for Business in the market place today. International Food Processing, LTD has moved passed its traditional role of have its staff located in office partially due the COVID-19 pandemic. International Food Processing, LTD would like to reduce its in office staffing by 75%. In this assignment you develop your presentation skills by developing your Business Proposal as a media presentation. The main drive of the presentation is to sell the ideas put forward in your Business Proposal.
The Project

Business Presentation Proposal: International Food Processing LTD

Assignment: In -House-Business-Proposal for International Food Processing, LTD

Subject: Making the move to reduce 75% of non-manufacturing office personal in favor of “Work-at-Home” staffing.

Business Presentation Proposal submitted to: Buck Henry, Operations Manager

Scenario: International Food Processing, LTD is a global distributions company specializing in processed dairy products. The Proposal will focus on the advantages, obstacles and implementation of a reduction of 75% non-manufacturing office personal in favor of “Work-at-Home” staffing for International Food Processing LTD.

Time frame: 6 Months

Allotted Budget: $85, 0000.00

The Assignment

1. You may use either a real or fictitious business data for this presentation. It is preferred that you use real data, but it is understandable with the time constraints fictitious business data will be needed to fill in the blanks. Note: all sources must be cited.

2. Once you have completed your research put together a Business PowerPoint presentation to be given to International Food Processing, LTD Operations Manager and Stakeholders. This will be accomplished by sending three PDF Documents via CANVAS, Assignment Two; 1) Sides Presentation,2) Presentation Script, and 3) Presentation Workup Outline. Note: Anything other than a PDF submitted may result in a failing grade.

3. The presentation should highlight International Food Processing, LTD need to reduce in-office staff to stay-at home staff by 75%. Your grade will be based on the depth of research, meeting all assignment requirements, and the quality of your Presentation Proposal.

4. Requirements for Presentation Assignment:

  • PowerPoint 10 slide Presentation. Submit a Proposal Presentation on the assigned scenario. Slides are to be number and should correspond to the Presentation script. Presentation should contain meaningful dialog, graphics, data. This should be your own words and work. Plagiarism will get you a failing grade, therefore, resist the temptation of copying from the internet or another student. Presentation must be submitted as a standalone PowerPoint PDF.
  • Presentation Script. For each slide in your presentation indicate exactly what you will be saying. This should be dialog like a play. Script should be number to a corresponding slide in the presentation. Presentation Script should contain meaningful dialog, graphics, data. This should be your own words and work. Plagiarism will get you a failing grade, therefore, resist the temptation of copying from the internet or another student. Presentation Script must be submitted as a standalone Word Doc PDF.
  • Presentation Workup Outline. This should be your working outline of your presentation itself. Format should resemble outlines used for writing a paper or report. Online should reflect the beginning of the presentation process to the end. the outline should contain all cited sources. This should be your own words and work. Plagiarism will get you a failing grade, therefore, resist the temptation of copying from the internet or another student. The Outline for Presentation must be submitted as a standalone Word Doc PDF.


slides limit:11