A Great City Creates

A Great City Creates.

Answer all four of these prompts. Study the Discussion rubric so you understand how you will be graded. Each prompt response should be at least 100 words and should reference one of the readings for the unit. For each prompt, you must reply to at least one of your classmates. Your reply to your classmate must be substantial and engage with their ideas. Simple agreement will not demonstrate your participation. Please respond directly in the response box and do NOT attach your work as a file. This set of Discussion prompts is worth a maximum of 4 points.

QUESTION 1: Describe Babe’s life as a grad student at Columbia. How accurately does Babe’s college experience reflect your own?

QUESTION 2: Find a painting by Edward Hopper that we did not discuss. Copy it to your computer, then paste it into the response box and tell me about the painting you chose (obviously using your own words).

QUESTION 3: What do you think were Jay Z’s reasons for purchasing a painting by Jean-Michel Basquiat?

QUESTION 4: With Faith Ringgold’s painting “Flag for the Moon,” and Keith Haring’s bathroom mural “Once Upon a Time” in mind, should there be any types of art that are inappropriate to show or discuss in a university-level class? Why or why not?

word limit:478