Write a response :New Age Leadership Skills.

Write a response :New Age Leadership Skills.

Although the world is changing rapidly and more people are pulling away from religion and biblical views there are still some things that can take from the bible to make them better leaders. Communication, vision, and teamwork are three that still can help in the 21st century because they are still valid and needed in the workplace. James 1:19 says “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” As a leader, it is important that you are a great listener and open to listen to other ideas and opinions as well as be able to communicate properly without getting angry so quickly. Vision is important to have as a leader because you are the head of the company and you are the one who comes up with how your business will run off your business. When it comes to visions it is important that a leader provides motivation and inspires us to keep ongoing. Leaders need to keep the end result in mind. A leader’s vision needs to be strong enough to carry them through to the end. In verse 1 Corinthians 12:14 it says teamwork is the key to living life in harmony so that we can do God’s will. Leaders must remember that they are apart of a team just because they have the title of a leader they must still be a team player and openminded to other’s opinions. I believe these three things can help impact leadership skills because it will benefit the leaders and the people around them.


Good morning class. Change is something that will always happen. Sometimes it is for the good or the bad. However, individuals must adapt to change to stay on top of certain tasks and to stay relevant. There are specific skills that one would possess in the past that will not work today. Particular processes have become quicker, and information is becoming readily available. Technology is to blame for this action, but again, we must adapt. Amid adapting to change, complexity, and chaos arrives. Specific issues such as cost, cost-shifting, demand without accountability, and partial measurement and avoidance of ambiguous evidence cause the healthcare system to become complicated. Knowing these issues will arise, leaders must be proactive. One skill a leader must possess to adapt to change quickly is predictive and adaptive capacity. According to O’Grady and Malloch (), “This is the ability to see and understand the interface between environment, organization, and persons, and to predict the impact that interface has on action” (p. 54). With this ability, leaders can foresee how specific changes are going to impact the work environment. Therefore, to prepare their employees for this change, leaders ensure that they learn new traits and behaviors that will set them up for success. The twentieth-century leadership focused on the goal and helping their employees achieve the goal. The issue with this leadership style is that chaos can interfere with the employees’ vision. Leaders reading the signposts of change and understanding how specific changes can impact their environment will prepare the organization for any changes that can interfere. The Bible states, ” So he was their shepherd according to the integrity of his heart, and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72, New King James Version).


Porter-O’Grady, T.,& Malloch, K. (2015). Quantum leadership:Building better partnerships for
sustainable health.(4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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