Discuss The Pregnant Death of Dorian Gray

Discuss The Pregnant Death of Dorian Gray

Read and produce a typed one page summary of an individually assigned article in MLA format. Your assignment will be chosen during class. You may quote from the article’s abstract, if available, as long as you use quotation conventions correctly. Indicate clearly the article’s thesis or controlling idea, and summarize its main points using parenthetical page citations throughout Conclude your summary with a full citation in MLA format.

Article summaries should:

No Use MLA format.
Name the author, title, source, and date of the article.
State briefly, in full sentences, all the key points made in the article.
Where possible, include full citation details at the end.
Use signal phrases, quotation marks, and parenthetical citations to quote specific phrases where necessary, including page numbers for print sources.
Remain objective: avoid inclusion of commentary or subjective opinions about the article.
Use present tense to discuss art (the Mona Lisa is strangely beautiful), past tense to distinguish events in the real past (some believe that Leonardo was the model

word limit:310