Write a Critique of “In Real Life” by Stacie Lents

Write a Critique of “In Real Life” by Stacie Lents

Critique Writing Assignment:  About the Play: In Real Life 

1.  Read the script of In Real Life

In Real Life Sinopsis 

In Real Life takes place generations after the Trump administration, where the 

United States has taken world domination and is now a virtual society. LXS and PT  

are high school partners living in this virtual society where jobs are highly 

competitive. As LXS is using an outdated system, both her and PT are confronted  

with expulsion and legal consequences. Upon expulsion, the two partners are faced 

with the “real world,” where they learn what it means to trust and love. This 

newfound bond guides their journey as they discover what it means to exist.

2.  Incorporating assigned reading and both primary and secondary sources, you must write a two to three page paper based on your initial interpretations of the play.

3.  Write an essay (Critique Writing Assignment) based on the following outline:

VPA 181 – Acting I

Theatrical Essay (Critique Writing Assignment)

 This essay is based on your experience rading the play In Real Life.  The essay should be 2 – 3 pages long, typed, and double-spaced (roughly 600 words).

Due date: Thursday, June 11th.

 Part 1.  About the Play

Jot down some notes based on the following questions to recall your experience.


  • What is the title of the play and who is the playwright?
  • Summarize the plot.
  • Describe the theme or themes.
  • Who are the main characters?
  • Where and when did the action take place?

 Part 2.  Elements for the Essay

  1. Think back on the script with a “critical eye.”
  2. Focus on the elements below and write down your thoughts, observations and reactions to the production.  The questions under each element will guide you.

 Part 3.  Writing the essay

 Now read over the responses you wrote out to the above questions, and think about how you will expand them in paragraph form.

 The following outline will help you organize your essay:

 I.          Introduction

A.  What is the play? 

B.  Who is the playwright?

C.  What is the plot and theme?

      D.  Where and when did the action take place?

 II.         Main Characters:  Write the Characters Biographies

  1. Basis stats: name, age, gender, ethnicity, culture. 
  2. Physical description:  height, body type, face. 
  3. Background:  where are they from, where do they live, lifestyle (rich or poor), what are they good at, schooling or occupation, hobbies. 
  4. Personal Relationships: their relationships with their family member, partners, friends, sexual orientation, sexual experiences, romantic experiences.
  5. Psychological description:  introvert or extrovert, strengths and weaknesses, fears and insecurities, character’s believes, goals and dreams. 
  6. Story importance:  main character, secondary character, antagonist, what is their importance in the story

 III.        Conclusion:

  1. Overall impression
  2. Personal opinion
word count: 700