Write a discussion about culture.

Write a discussion about culture.

Please answer all three questions to earn ALL of your content points in this Discussion Forum. 

1. Why is the concept of culture difficult to define? What are the most important elements of culture? 

2. In “Body Ritual and the Nacirema,” what do we learn about the Nacirema’s culture? WHO are the Nacirema and why does Miner choose to write in this way? (NOTE:  read the entire article carefully!)

3. Which of Scheper-Hughes’ pieces of advice resonates with you and your experience? Why? 

Please review the Discussion Forum Evaluation Rubric in your syllabus as well as the instructor’s comments from Discussion Forum #1 to improve your score. Remember, the Discussion Forums are preparing you for the short answer questions on the Unit 1 Exam.


word limit: 370