Write an annotated bibliography about ‘ yellow wallpaper’.

Write an annotated bibliography about ‘ yellow wallpaper’.

You may choose the novel, “Jury of Her Peers”, OR “Yellow Wallpaper” to write about.

This is an Annotated Bibliography

Pick a theme suggested in either YWP or Jury. There are many themes to pursue but to illustrate the task let’s consider the theme of all the broken things in Minnie’s kitchen. Our objective is to get smart on their significance and meaning and we are trying to get a handle on the author’s objective and agenda. What did she intend by presenting the disheveled kitchen?

2. Pull quotes out of the story that refer to and and all “broke” objects. There are the very obvious ones, but Minnie’s shabby dress may count as well.

3. You probably have your own opinions as to what the objects represent but you want to consult other academic sources: books, journals and articles that also discuss this theme. This is the research component of the exercise. You need 5-7 secondary sources and they should shed light on the quotes you pulled out of the story.

word limit: 984